The Holy Quran is a holy book for Muslims.. The word “Quran” means “Reading”.. Sent for human guidance by Allah Almighty through our Last Prophet (ﷺ). Hazrat Gabriel used to carry the message of God..
THE Holy Quran has 30 paras and 114 Surahs.. Each Surah contains a different number of verses. Of the 114 86 ‘Surah’s’ were revealed in Makah and 28 in Medina. The Holly Quran contains 6,616 verses, 77 words, 934 words and 3, 23, 760 Arabic letters. The first chapter of the book is treated with special respect by Muslims. It is called ‘Surah Fatah’. It contains seven verses. We mention it in our prayers.
The Holy Quran provides the complete code of life. Every aspect of life is discussed in detail.. It teaches us truth, nonviolence, love, meditation, compassion, and more. It also teaches us to love our neighbor and to be self-sacrificing. This Holy Book is a form of history. There are stories of ancient nations in it.
The Holy Quran is an eternal book. Allah has declared in the Holy Bible that He is responsible for its safety. That is why no one has yet succeeded in changing a small verse of the Holy Bible. It was compiled during the reign of Hazrat Usman (R.A) who was interested in its compilation. ‘Arabs’ and other symbols were included in the Holy Book by two students of Hazrat Ali (R.A) under his leadership. Many Muslims memorize this wonderful book. They are called Hafiz-e-Quran. This is a miracle of the book.
The Quran has always guided the future of mankind. The Quran is more precious than life. The Quran is a way of life. The Quran also guides us in the right direction. The Quran is an excellent book. Some Muslims memorize portions of the Quran. It is stored in memory as well as in writing. It was written from the outset that Allah had provided His protection. It will always be maintained. It is the last and final letter sent by Allah. It tells us how to serve Allah. It tells us how to live a moral life. It tells us how to behave in our home, such as how we treat our parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, neighbors and strangers.