AQEEDAH AAKHIRAT: Belief in Afterlife in Islam
The word irakhirah or Akhirat means “last, end, end”. It has a contradictory meaning of “before”. In The earth here is a place of living things and Akhirat is a stage of life after death. It is the final home and the rest of mankind.
Allah (j.j) has indicated in the Holy Quran that this world was created for temporary reasons. Eventually, one day, everything about this world will be destroyed, the whole world and the factories and mountains and stadiums will be torn to pieces.
And the mountains will become like wool. (Al-Qaria: 101 / 4-5)
All forms of life that we know will end without Allah (j.j)
Everything on earth will perish:
But there will be (forever) the face of your Lord, – full of majesty, Bounty and Glory. (Ar-Rahman 55 / 26-27)
Therefore, after this moment, the eternal stage of “Akhirat”, after life will begin. It is “fardh” to believe in Akhirat, so it is an act and obligation for all Muslims to believe in the afterlife.
Muslims should also believe in certain categories of Akhirat. These sections are similar incidents that have been foretold in both the Holy Quran and in the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
1) The precursor of the akhir, in which the “life of the grave” begins shortly after death
2) The resurrection from the grave and the gathering of all people on the day of destruction
3) The “Book of Acts” is open to the individual and all people are reminded of their life on earth.
4) Mezaan, scales are weighed to weigh the weight and balance of each person’s good and bad deeds.
5) Passing of the “Sirat” bridge when one is destined to enter Paradise.
6) Good things will come to Paradise
7) Evil is cast into hell
8) Prophet Muhammad’s (Ssaha’s) commentary on Muslims.
There are many numbers of verses in the Holy Quran and hadith with various topics for detailed descriptions of the afterlife and its subtitles which we hope to discuss in other articles.
One thing is certain that belief in an afterlife is fundamental to the Islamic faith.
“Aqeedah (Religious Events) … First … If They Could”
That is how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) raised his friends: Iman first and then the Quran.
Beliefs must be corrected first, followed by all other aspects of religion.
… And Imam Ash-Shafi`i said, “That a servant meets Allaah with all sins except Shirk is better to say than to meet Him in any new beliefs.”
… Al-Aqeeda is linguistically derived from the word aqada. In Arabic, one says, “Aqada rope” when the rope is tied tightly. Also, “Aqada the sale” or “He fed the sale” when a person agrees and makes a sale agreement or agreement. And Allah says in the Quran, “And those on your right hand have made a covenant (Ar., Aqadat)” [Al-Nisa 33].
And Allah says, “But He will punish you with the oaths you have sworn (Ar., Aqadtum) [Al-Maida, 89]
which means that it is emphasized and maintained, as evidenced in the verse, “And do not break the oaths after their assertion” [An-Nahl, 91].
When a person says, “Aqadtu something with this,” it means that his heart is strong in that.
Therefore, al-aqeeda or al-itiqad according to Islamic scholars are: A strong belief that the human heart is focused on it without doubt or doubt. It does not involve any thoughts, doubts or suspicions.
Imam Abu Hanifa called this great title al-Fiqh al-Akbar (“Great Understanding”) and religious understanding. He called legal science (Ar., Shariah) scientific understanding. Many Islamic scholars use the word tauheed for all the things one should believe in.