Talibaan (The leaders)
Who is Taliban?
Taliban, Pashto (“Students”), additionally spelled Taleban, traditionalist political and strict group that arose in Afghanistan during the 1990s following the withdrawal of Soviet soldiers, the breakdown of Afghanistan’s socialist system, and the resulting breakdown in common request. The group took its name from its enrollment, which comprised generally of understudies prepared in madrasahs (Islamic strict schools) that had been set up for Afghan displaced people during the 1980s in northern Pakistan.
Taliban ruled in Afghanistan
Twenty years after they were expelled, the Taliban are by and by in charge of Afghanistan. They quickly got back to control as the United States was unwinding its long term presence in the nation, where it burned through many billions of dollars to develop the Afghan government and its guard powers.
The Taliban have been censured universally for the unforgiving implementation of their translation of Islamic Sharia law, which has brought about the fierce treatment of numerous Afghans.[68][69] During their standard from 1996 to 2001, the Taliban and their partners submitted slaughters against Afghan regular citizens, denied UN food supplies to 160,000 starving regular citizens, and led a strategy of singed earth, copying immense spaces of fruitful land and obliterating a huge number of homes While the Taliban controlled Afghanistan, they restricted exercises and media including paintings,photography, and motion pictures that portrayed individuals or other living things.[78] They additionally precluded music utilizing instruments, except for the daf, a sort of casing drum.[79] The Taliban kept young ladies and young ladies from going to school,[80] restricted ladies from maintaining sources of income outside of medical care (male specialists were disallowed from treating women),[81] and necessitated that ladies be joined by a male family member and wear a burqa consistently when in public.[82] If ladies disrupted certain guidelines, they were openly whipped or executed.[83] Religious and ethnic minorities were intensely oppressed during Taliban rule. As indicated by the United Nations, the Taliban and their partners were liable for 76% of Afghan non military personnel setbacks in 2010, and 80% in 2011 and 2012.The Taliban likewise occupied with social slaughter, annihilating various landmarks including the renowned 1500-year-old

Mohammed Omar # (organizer, 1994–2013)
Abdul Ghani Baradar (fellow benefactor)
Akhtar Mansour † (2015–2016)
Hibatullah Akhundzada (2016–present)
Taliban held their first press conference
After a frightening not many days following the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul, the air terminal continued clearing flights and the country’s new rulers encouraged residents to return to their day by day lives. Also, a Taliban official held their first government public interview.
In this interview they clearified the all matters of country.They gave respect to women.They allowed women to go for work with Islamic rules.
The Taliban additionally set up a helpline in Kabul utilizing the web informing administration WhatsApp. The Taliban has utilized WhatsApp for hotlines in the past for residents to report savagery or plundering. In any case, yesterday, Facebook, which possesses WhatsApp, shut down the Kabul hotline and Facebook said it was examining its application to keep the Taliban from utilizing it. This comes after pundits in the US have assaulted web-based media organizations for not making a more move to close down Taliban interchanges on their foundation. In any case, specialists are saying that hindering the Taliban’s WhatsApp numbers was ridiculous and pointless, particularly since residents in Kabul may require them and on the grounds that the Taliban focuses on hotline grievances.
How will they govern?
Taliban, distributed before the fall of the principal Taliban system, a basic issue of the gathering then, at that point was that it was “basically gotten between an ancestral society which they attempted to disregard and the requirement for a state structure which they refuse to set up”.
At the point when the Taliban took power, as the previous Afghan appointee pastor of protection Tamim Asey has brought up, they “had no assets and no arrangement or program for administration past a dubious and summed up thought of an administration dependent on the sharia framework”.
The work of overseeing, not least the critical thinking included, is by and by liable to be compelled by what they view as strictly suitable inside their exceptionally tight injuries.
The Taliban have likewise evaded the issue as of late of what type of government they visualize, in spite of the fact that comments by certain authorities on Sunday have shown that they intend to get back to the past Islamic emirate model. Ideas in ongoing mediations that the Taliban comprehend that they might need to share power all the more straightforwardly with different interests in Afghanistan may presently don’t hold given the size of their new triumph.